Reading Notes: Native American Hero Tales, Reading B
There are several stories in the Native American hero tales series, but the story of red woman and the twins was by far the most gruesome and intriguing. I was literally stunned like a rock when I read this beginning line of the story: "A certain wicked woman named Red-Woman came to the tipi and killed his wife and cut her open and found boy twins. She threw one behind the tipi curtain, and the other she threw into a spring. She then put a stick inside the woman and stuck one end in the ground to give her the appearance of a live person and burned her upper lip, giving her the appearance as though laughing." Honestly... This is crazy. I mean beyond crazy. I've read about many, many bad and evil characters across world epics, but this one (red woman) beats out all of them by margin. It was so graphic and horrible that I had difficult time reading and imagining the crime scene in my head. I felt bad and sad when I read that the boy knew his name as "Thrown-behi...