Week 8 Reading and Writing

It's been weeks of reading and writing in this class. I like this class, but there are several readings and writings I need to do. The assignments are really interesting and honestly most stories are pretty fascinating. Overall, I'm pretty satisfied and happy with my blog.

My website (Project) has been lagging behind a little bit, but I've done very good revisions on my Portfolio stories.

The biggest accomplishment I think I've done in this class is the several creative stories that I've written for story assignments. They become the basis for my portfolio project, and I think they are all interesting and pretty creative.

My favorite reading by far is the story of God and Creation of Adam and Eve. It was interesting to read about the story of God's creation and struggle that creatures had with temptation from the serpent. 

Reading notes definitely help me keep track of the contents of reading and supplement important information when I'm writing new stories.

I've employed all the sorts and kinds of reading and research strategies that are described in the blog post. They are all helpful and useful in different aspects in creating and revising better stories.

Looking forward, I will be reading by paying more attention to plots than the scenes and backgrounds. It's been an amazing class, and I very much look forward to read more interesting world epic stories.

Thinking Back. Source: Pondering


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