Wikipedia Trail: From Vishvamitra to Hastinapur

I decided to start my Wikipedia trail with Vishvamitra, a fascinating character that I've read over the course of several Indian epics readings.

1. Vishvamitra: Vishvamitra was a fascinating character that often appeared in the Indian epics. Vishvamitra was one of the most venerated sages of ancient Indian epics. The story of Vishvamitra was narrated in the Balakanda of Valmiki Ramayana. In the epic, Mahabharata, Vishvamitra had a relationship with Menaka and had one daughter with her, Shakuntala. The story of Shakuntala was Adi Parva part of Mahabharata.

2. Shakuntala: Shakuntala, who was a daughter of Vishvamitra and Menaka, was the wife of Dushyanta and the mother of Emperor Bharata. As a baby, Shakuntala was found by Rishi Kanva. She was named Shakuntala because she was surrounded by Shakunta birds. Shakuntala first encountered King Dushyanta while he was travelling through the forest with his army. Shakuntala and Dushyanta fell in love with each other and got married as per Gandharva marriage system.

3. King Dushyanta: King Dushyanta was the husband of Shakuntala and the father of the Emperor Bharatha. Dushyanta was king of Hastinapur and ancestor of the Kuru dynasty. Dushyanta fell in love with Shakuntala while he was on an excursion in the forest. They got married and Dushyant gave Shakuntala a royal ring as a sign of their love, promising her that he would come to her. Because Shakuntala was so absorbed with loving Dushyanta, she forgot to serve sage Durvasa. Durvasa cursed Shakuntala that she would be forgotten by Dushyanta. Shakuntala asked for forgiveness and was forgiven by the sage, and she was eventually remembered by Dushyanta even after a long-term missing.

4. Hastinapur: Hastinapur is a city in Meerut district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Hastinapur means city of elephants. Hastina (elephant) and puram (city). Its history traces back to the period of the great epic, the Mahabharata. Hastinapur is located on the right bank of an old bed of the Ganga, and is known in literature and tradition as the capital of the Kauravas, of Kuru Kingdom, in the Mahabharata. In the present day, Hastinapur is a town in the Doab region of Uttar Pradesh in India around thirty-seven km from Meerut and ninety km northeast of Delhi on National Highway 119.

Dushyanta marries Shakuntala. Source: Marriage of Dushyanta and Shakuntala


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