Tech Tip: Canvas Calendar

Although I've never really been a big fan of Canvas, it is obvious that Canvas is what OU students are required to use for classes. One example that I've found of such feature is canvas calendar settings. I've set my personal preferences for Canvas calendar notifications.

Obviously, setting the dates for my schedule was important, so I've set some schedules for my time table. One of the things that I've set was the time allocations for this class. This India epics class needs at least six hours every week in order to make sure that I complete all the weekly assignments.

Since it's not a traditional class, I thought having the designated time for this online class was important to make sure I complete the weekly reading and writing.

Canvas calendar is a phenomenal tool that not only lets me set the dates and time for my classes, but also can remind me of the assignment due dates and exam dates that are set by professors.

To be honest, I've always thought that Canvas was messier than D2L. D2L was relative simple without much variations and complications. But it also didn't have phenomenal features like Canvas calendar. Canvas calendar is my favorite Canvas feature so far, and it's more useful for me than Canvas notifications or Dashboard. I'm not good at managing time or keeping due dates, so this Canvas calendar option is very helpful for me to succeed in classes.

I also personally don't use any tools like Google calendar to keep my schedule. I'm a very spontaneous person, so I think I live in the moment rather than planning out. Canvas calendar is the first kind of digital calendar that I'm going to use to keep my time and schedule, and I hope this works out well.


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