Learning Challenge: Happiness, Try the Happiness Jar (Second Week)

I chose to do a happiness challenge for my H.E.A.R.T challenge last week. To accomplish the challenge, I laid out a detailed plan and tried to follow the rules I had set a week ago.

Nevertheless, this challenge, unfortunately, has been a very difficult challenge for me. I have failed to follow the rules I've set pretty miserably and only stick to the rules I set for a couple of days after last Sunday.

These are the steps that I had laid out last Sunday.

1. I will work and study only until 9:15 PM.

2. From 9:15 PM to 9:30 PM, I will take a shower to get ready for sound sleep

3. At 9:30 PM, I will be lying on my bed.

4. Until 10:00 PM, I will try some sleep-inducing tips such as reading novels and listening classical music.

5. From 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM, I will be asleep.

On Monday and Tuesday, October 29th and October 30th, I did stick to the step 1 through 5. Nevertheless, starting on Wednesday, October 31st, which was the Halloween Day, I lost the track of my sleep. My friends invited me to their massive party, and I failed to go to bed at night on that day. I went straight into classes the next morning. After I was released from the classes, I went straight back to sleep. I got up at 1 am and I couldn't sleep.

So since Wednesday, I've been having the bad pattern of irregular, nocturnal sleep pattern again. I was tired all day during classes and often would doze off.

However, I haven't given up on this great challenge, and I am going to try again starting today. Although I'm very tired during the day, I'll try my best to stay awake until 10 pm and go to bed on time.

Importance of getting sound sleep. Source: Tips for a restful sleep


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