Learning Challenge: Empathy Challenge

I decided to do another learning challenge this week because I have had a really good experience from someone who is so empathetic. It's about Kim. Kim is a friend from Korea. I like him so much because he is so kind and caring. Kim, although he is from Korea, has lived in America for many years, certainly many more years than I have. He came here when he was only twelve years old.

When I arrived here in OU campus, I didn't know anything about the environment. In fact, I was confused to find the dorm that I was assigned to. I barely spoke English back then, so I desperately needed help. All the RA's apparently didn't speak Korean, and we couldn't communicate well. I even used the Google translator several times to get my messages across right.

Fortunately, one of the RAs knew Kim. Kim has been a long friend of his, so he made a call and Kim showed up to our sight right away after few minutes. Kim graciously navigated me throughout campus, including dorm, restaurants, useful apps, and took me to OKC bricktown that weekend to show me around the beauty of Oklahoma. I was so moved and we are still best friends to this day.

I think it's the kind of empathy that people need. Kim is the exemplary to what a kind person really is.

Kim. Source: My friend Kim


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