Famous Last Words: Overcoming back pain

I hurt my back while I was out playing basketball with friends last week. I felt so dumb and silly. When I got my back hurt by being pushed over, I was angry at the friend who pushed me at first, but as time progressed, I've forgiven him. He didn't intentionally push me over to the ground, so it was accidental. He's a massive guy who is 6 feet 4 inches tall, so the force of pushing me over was great.

As I reflected and thought about this incident, it made me realized that I was responsible too. I was supposed to be studying and working on assignments like this at the time because I've been falling behind in most of my classes, but I couldn't resist the temptation of hanging out with friends.

I'm really behind in this class, but the situations are even worse in traditional classes because they've had exam and graded essay grades. I don't want to retake any of my classes, so I need to have more discipline and stay away from wasting time. Another reason why I really don't want to retake any of the classes is that it costs me over $1000 per course to retake any of the classes. I mean I could buy a new iPhone or MacBook with that much money.

I really love this class, and this class obviously is my favorite class so far. Yes, this class has several assignments every week, but they are honestly aren't stressful like my traditional class assignments.

To be honest, my plan is to get an A in this class. So I'm not placed on academic probation even if I get really low grades in other ones. This class, to me, is not only my favorite, but really important for my survival. I will finish assignments beforehand, rather than cramming at last, starting this week. It's always easier said than done, I know. But this week, I will revolutionize my study habits at last.

I will do it. Source: I can and will do it


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