Week 3 Story: Adam and Eve Part A

Note: This story was added to my Story Portfolio

Since the beginning of time, there was one and only God. God, whose name was also known as Yahweh, one day decided to create creatures that resemble the image of Him. For God was so passionate and dedicated to do the best He can, He was determined to create something that He will be proud of in the future.

So, God did. He carefully engineered every part of the creature, so it looked just like Him. He was even careful about naming the creature. He named the creature Adam because it was the kind of name He had always had in mind for a son, and He also thought it was cute to call a boy Adam.

For God loved Adam so much that He decided to bestow every honey, milk, and privilege that He could think of: He gave Adam fresh-scented herb seeds, all kinds and sorts of beautiful trees and fruits for food. He meant the fruit to be a food source like pieces of meat.

God also thought Adam should be able to breathe freely, so He gave fresh air for Adam, God's dear creature and son, to breathe without pain or hassle.

After giving privileges to Adam, God thought Adam perhaps find himself lonely being alone. So, He decided to creature Adam's friend and sister, Eve. God took apart a rib of Adam (fortunately for Adam, He didn't feel any pain during the process because God is all mighty and powerful that He made sure Adam didn't get hurt), and created Eve. He named his second creature Eve for the same kind of mindset and intention He had had for a beautiful daughter. Yahweh thought it was really cute to call a girl Eve. He obviously was a doting Father.

Now that God had been working so hard and tirelessly for the past 6 days creating all sorts and kinds of places, environment, animals, and beautiful creatures that looked just like Him, He felt tired afterwards. So Yahweh decided rest on the 7th day because He thought it was a right and more productive thing to do.

Time passed, and God and his fellow creatures lived happily.

For God loved his creatures so much that He had allowed pretty much anything for Adam and Eve. There was no curfews, routines, or work. The creatures didn't need discipline and structure, so they lived freely without feeling any pain.

Nevertheless, God warned Adam and Eve not to touch or eat a forbidden fruit. He told them very seriously because He thought it was an issue of trust between parent and kids. The forbidden fruit was something that Yahweh made on purpose. He loved his creatures unconditionally, so they would understand His love and not touch the forbidden object.

There came a seduction. Serpent the Snake, who was smart, cunning, and had always tried to become independent from God, decided to seduce Eve one day. Serpent went to Eve and started talking to her. "Hey my friend", said the Serpent. "I tell you what. I had the best day of my life today." Curious, Eve asked the Serpent why. Serpent said, "because I had the best meal EVER! I had that shiny red fruit over in that garden! You gotta try, you'll never regret!"

Eve said, "Oh.. That But God told me not to touch or eat it."

Serpent told Eve, "He will not know. It's a little secret between you and me Eve."

So, Eve took a bite. Her hand was trembling and she was anxious, but she had always been curious about it. Eve brought Adam besides her and had Adam taste the thing as well.

Immediately after, they looked at each other. They realized that their body parts are different. They felt a sudden shame. So, they looked around and picked a leaf to cover their genitals.

That night, God went to the fruit and saw disappeared fruit. Angry and deeply frustrated, Yahweh face turned red. He went to Adam and Eve who were sleeping at the time, and woke them up.

God screamed, "I love you kids, but wow.. I told you not to touch or eat it! And why are you covering your bodies?"

The creatures replied, "I'm so sorry Father."

God proclaimed, "I have no choice now. You will now have to bear burden and responsibility. You will work for the sin of eating the forbidden fruit."

So, Adam and Eve got married and started working long hours. They bore children, and the cycle of work and routine began. Occasional pain kicked in, but they had to endure for the sin.

Creation of Adam. Source: Creation of Adam by William Blake


King James Bible. Source: King James Bible (1611): Genesis 1-2.

Author's Note: It was an interesting Biblical story about the Creation of Adam and Eve. I created this story of Adam and Eve in my own version of the story. I modified the original content into a narrative and colloquial version of the story for an easier read. The original content of the Creation story was written in Old English, which is difficult to read and understand. Indeed, original content is different from my re-created version of the story, so you are advised to visit the website in my bibliography for the original content of the story. I chose this interesting image of Creation of Adam for my first portfolio story post because it contains several interesting symbols. First symbol is God's embrace of Adam. As protective Creator and Father of Adam, God seemed to be hugging Adam with His hand on Adam's face. His face is very worrisome as Adam, along with Eve, was seduced by the serpent's trick and was tempted to eat the forbidden fruit. Adam's legs are curled and possessed by the serpent, and he looks very painful and frightened. This interesting painting seems to imply that Adam failed to keep the promise with God, and he thus became subjected to negative emotions such as fear and pain. Another interesting thing that I found in the painting is that even God can't take away the serpent from Adam because it was Adam who broke the rule with God and became a sinner.


  1. Hey Peter! I enjoyed your rendition of the story of Adam and Eve. Genesis's first few chapters can get me pretty bored. It's just the language of it. I liked that you added a little spice to the story, and made it more of a narrative. You made it easier and more pleasant to understand. I like that you didn't deviate too much from the original story but still made it your own.

  2. Hi Peter!
    Like Nathaniel mentioned, the beginning parts of Genesis tend to be a little dull in my opinion so it was nice to have that story written in a more interesting kind of language. I'm a big fan of the sudden change in tone of the story after they eat the fruit. Regarding the punishment, I thought it was a funny, modern interpretation of suffering for the sin of eating the forbidden fruit.

  3. Hi Peter!

    I thought this was a fun story. I am different as I find the first few chapters of Genesis really fun to read, but I liked what you did with it. It didn't deviate too much from the original story but it definitely did make it easier to read and understand. I liked how you compared it to a father/son relationship - it would make it easier to understand if you were younger and didn't quite have the reading comprehension needed to really understand the Bible.


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