Introduction to Peter the Real Estate Agent

Hi guys! I'm Peter, and I'm an OU student. I'm a junior, and I'm majoring in Communication.

I believe I'm a very honest person, so I'm going to tell you why I chose to major in Communication.

I honestly chose to do this major because I thought Communication would be a relative easy major. Nevertheless, it turns out that it is not! Some professors are tough and demanding, and there are lots of heavy reading, intensive writing, and several exams that I need to complete to earn an OU Communication degree.

I still think Communication is a pretty cool major because I get to learn about many interesting effective communication theories. Because my major belongs to the College of Arts and Sciences, it has heavier emphasis on theory and research more than practice and application.

Honestly, I don't really remember a "cool class" that I took last semester (I don't think I had any). Nonetheless, these classes, Myth Folklore and Indian Epics, are by far the coolest, my very favorite classes I have ever taken. I really love these classes, and these days I wish all of my other classes are like Myth Folklore and Indian Epics. That would have made my college years much happier!

My biggest accomplishment this semester (I'm not sure about last semester. I didn't that well in classes) is getting enrolled in these two amazing online courses. I love the myth and stories, and I believe they will really expand my imaginative horizons.

My favorite music is classical music. I love Mozart's symphonies and operas. I almost always listen to classical music in my spare time. They really relieve academic stress and make me calm.

I'm aspired to become a competent real estate agent. I'm from Seoul, South Korea, and we have a family real estate business in Seoul. My grandparents founded the real estate agency, and we offer unique information about apartments, condos, and land. I hope to go back to Seoul and take over the business once I graduate from OU.

My favorite food is.. of course, Korean cuisine. My mom is the best Korean cuisine chef! It is one of unique varieties of Asian cuisine, and they are really good! You should try Korean cuisine sometime (there are not many Korean restaurants in Oklahoma, so I might have to cook some for you!)

My hobbies include playing badminton and table tennis. They are very popular in Korea, and I have grown up playing those agile sports.

                                 Badminton Game. Source: Badminton Players


  1. Hi Peter! My major is public relations so I can totally relate to the communications aspect of your major. Many people believe that it is a simple major due to being in the Gaylord college of Mass Communication and Journalism, however it is still grueling in other ways. There is still a ton of writing to be done at a much higher level than most students have to endure. I have really enjoyed growing in my writing abilities. I started a business major and found it to be dull, so switching was the best thing for me to be successful. As for real estate, that is awesome that you have a family agency to go back and work for in Seoul. I am sure it is beautiful there and that you are excited to get back. My mother works in real estate and loves it, she has really excelled at it due to her ability to interact with people well, so I am sure your communications major will be quite helpful! I hope everything goes smoothly!

  2. Hi Peter! I left a comment on your India intro, but I just wanted to chime in here to say that real estate could be such a fun storytelling style to use... when you are reading, if there is a home or other building that is important to the story, you could imagine how that home or building could be part of a real estate story: like if you do the reading in Week 3 with the Tower of Babel in it, you could imagine the real estate agent who is selling office space in this awesome new Tower of Babel, imagining all the amenities and details that a real estate agent might emphasize... and then the email the agent would have to send when things don't work out as planned, ha ha. Anyway, just something to think about, since it is very cool that you might become a real estate agent in the great city of Seoul after you graduate. So, keep an eye out for buildings when you are reading, and I bet you will come up with some great "real estate mythology" to play with!

  3. Hi Peter! I am Makenzi and I am a Public Relations major! I appreciate your honesty as to why you chose communication; most people do think it is easy unless they are actually studying it! I too was excited about this class because I loved reading and learning about mythology when I was younger.
    Also, that is really cool that you are from Seoul! I would love to hear some of your top picks when it comes to Korean Cuisine here in Oklahoma. Best of luck with this semester!

  4. Hi Peter! I am Ashlyn and I am a senior human relations major with a minor in psychology. I like that you started out your post with being completely honest. Honesty is hard to find sometimes. I think it is great that you chose communication as your major! Communication is not nearly as easy as most people tend to think it is. I have never been to Seoul, but I would love to go! I have heard it is really nice there! I also think it is really cool that you play tennis! I have never tried the sport but I bet it is not the easiest to play! Have a great semester!

  5. Hey Peter! It’s really cool that you’re from Seoul as my grandfather is from Seoul too! I have visited only once but it was absolutely beautiful. What would you say is your favorite part about being a communication major? I think I was always scared away from choosing that major because of the intensive writing. Funny that I end up in this class. I really enjoy Korean food too! I’m surprised at how many great Korean restaurants I’ve found in Oklahoma. Best of luck to you this semester!

  6. Hi Peter, I love classical music too! I started taking piano lessons ever since I was 5 years old, and since then I've always had a place in my heart for classical pieces like Beethoven and Bach. I also enjoy Korean food too, it's probably #1 on my list of favorites. It's hard to find that many good Korean places in Oklahoma though, so occasionally I like to make the drive down to Carrollton, TX and indulge myself there.
    Have a great rest of your semester!

  7. Hey Peter! Even though your major has been tough, it's so great that you've stuck with it. I'm sure you'll be a successful real estate agent one day! I've attempted to play badminton before, it's a bit harder than it looks! I love food as well, I'll have to try Korean cuisine next time I get the chance. It was nice to meet you!

  8. Hey Peter! I think that communication is definitely a really interesting major. I love Korean food. I've made jajangmyeon on a few occasions. I'm planning to ferment my own kimchi too. I think kimchi is delicious. I wish I could be good at badminton or table tennis. I think that they're really fun, and that it'd be really cool to be competitive with it.

  9. I'd have never thought a Communications major would consist of so much research & theory. The research makes sense I guess because you'd have to research stories. My major (Information Studies) is also in the College of Arts & Sciences so I do know what you mean by the tough courses & not being as fun as you'd hoped. I love this course so much & wish I had more like this course as well. I love being able to write for a course & being able to control my own grade so much! I've never had Korean food before, but I would love to try it sometime. Good luck in your future courses and getting back to your family's real estate business in Korea!

  10. Hey Peter!
    I feel that getting a degree in Communications would be pretty helpful in managing a real estate business and would translate to a lot of real world application even if you do more research while you're in school. I've always wanted to visit Seoul but can't find the time! One of my best friends is from Andong and I hope to visit his city next Summer. Let me know if you ever need someone to play table tennis with, I played a lot growing up as well.

  11. Hi Peter! I also love Korean cuisine! Sadly, my mom does not make it like your mom probably does. Thanks for being so honest about your major. I used to think that it would be an easier choice, but I don’t enjoy writing literature very much so I think I would really struggle with your classes. Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading more from you!

  12. Hi Peter!
    My major is also in the College of Arts and Sciences, History of Science Tech. and Med., and yes there is a lot more research involved in all of my classes. I also like to listen to classical music, more when I am in the library and doing homework though. It is enough to block out all the background noise around me, without getting distracted with lyrics while I am reading something for class.

  13. Hi Peter!
    I almost decided to go into the real estate direction (I am a marketing major), but decided I was not cut out for that right now. I am glad you have something set up for you in South Korea! That has to be cool knowing you can go home and work with your family doing something you like!
    I can honestly say I have never had Korean cuisine! Maybe I will have to try it out some time! Good luck this semester!

  14. Hi Peter, nice to “meet” you! My brother and sister-in-law are both relators and they absolutely love it. I wish you the best of luck in your career! I also really enjoy listening to classical music. It is my go-to for studying. I particularly like piano pieces. I am really glad you are enjoying mythology so much; so am I! It is a super interesting class.

  15. Hey Peter! That's really cool being from Korea. One of my friends has family who immigrated from Korea years ago, I learned a lot about Korea from them! I definitely agree with you on Communication, I had to take intro to communication one semester, and it was much more difficult that I could have imagined! I'm sure you'll have a lot of success in real estate if that's what you end up doing. Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  16. Hey Peter. I really admire your honesty in saying that you picked the easiest major. I know that no major is easy so I'm sure communications has it's difficult classes as well. I know for sure I wouldn't be able to read and write as much as you probably have to. Also I think it's really cool that you are from South Korea. One of my really good friends is from South Korea and he is back there teaching now! He would always make me try Korean food and it is honestly some of the best food I've ever had.

  17. Hi Peter. I am glad you are so happy to be in this class! Are you liking it so far? I have a couple of friends that are in Communications and they say it is pretty difficult as well. My major is biology so I know what it is like to take hard classes. I love Asian food also, I would eat it for every meal if I could honestly. Good luck with finishing out the semester!

  18. Hello Peter,

    I appreciate your honesty about why you chose your major! A lot of people can not admit that. I am a science major, I know what you mean by hard classes that is all my college career seem to be is hard class. Hang in there! You can get through it! Good luck with the rest o your semester.

  19. Hey Peter!

    I like your brutal honesty about choosing your major, but in all reality they all are hard! I am glad that you are enjoying your major right now though and I am sure that it will help you in any future career. Also, I am an avid fan of badminton as well and it saddens me that not so many people here follow it. Anyway, I am excited to read your stories in this class!

  20. Hi there Peter!

    You're a realist, and I can respect that haha. I always wondered what went into a communications major and knowing it's that hard is crazy! I expected it to be challenging but I guess I always thought it might be fun too. I'd love to hear about the types of theory and research you conduct with a major like this! I hope you make through the rest of your undergrad year and get that real estate spot back in Korea!

  21. Hello, Peter!

    I took an intro to communications class my freshman year and I withdrew because I did NOT want to stand in front of the class and give a presentation. Luckily, I have overcome my fear of speaking in front of a crowd, although I still hate it and get really nervous. I'm sure you hear this all the time, but I think it is so cool that you wanted to go to school in a different country. At the time, I didn't think I could do that, plus I grew up wanting to go to OU, but in hindsight, I wish I had at least gone to a college out of state. You should make a post of a recipe or something; I love to cook and try new foods! I hope you enjoy the rest of your time here at OU, don't let it go by too fast!

    Madi R.

  22. Hi Peter! I did not know how much the Communications degree focused on theory and research here, so I found that very interesting! My parents were both communications majors, and I think my dad chose it for the same reason you did. If you have any suggestions on where to get good Korean food, I would love to check them out!


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