Growth Mindset

I have never heard about Carol Dweck or the concept of "growth mindset" before I have taken this class.

Yet, as I have learned about this amazing concept of growth mindset, I become convinced and aligned with the idea. I very much agree with Professor Dweck and her interesting idea of growth mindset. I think such mindset is critically important for our constantly fast-changing modern society. Nothing these days seem to sit still or stagnate in terms of progress. Nearly all companies and organizations talk about 'innovation' as their growth model.

So, instead of staying in the "comfort zone" of easy, already mastered areas of work and study, I think it is critically important to push ourselves, be willing to accept failures and keep trying new, challenging tasks, and never stop taking risks.

After graduating high school in Seoul, South Korea, I could have just stayed in Korea and attend a local university there. But, I wanted to explore new places and take a risk. So I decided to study abroad in the United States. My parents worried that I might be lost and feel difficult living in a completely different country (I was born, raised, and lived in Korea all my life), but I insisted on going to the U.S. because I wanted to "grow".

  It has been very.. to be honest, extremely difficult to suddenly come to the U.S. and take classes in English. It has been several years passed since I came here. It still is an extreme challenge for me to speak and write things in English, yet I have been improving a lot owing to my genuine growth mindset.

  I definitely am very interested in learning about growth mindset throughout this semester. I will learn a lot more the theory and application of this amazing concept.

I have several classes that I'm very worried about this semester. It has only been the first week of school, and two of my professors (I wouldn't mention their names just for their privacy) already make me nervous and worried. They seem to be stern and unapproachable. I need extra study time to keep up with demanding school work (at least 2 to 3 times more study time is required for me to do the same amount of work as American students). I often need a lot of help and explanation to clarify my understanding on certain subjects.   

Nevertheless, I firmly believe in growth mindset, and becoming an independent learner will eventually make me a better, improved student by the end of this semester.

My personal goal for this semester is to earn straight A's in classes and end up with 4.0 semester GPA. That would boost my rather low current GPA.

                                  Quote about Growth Mindset. Source: Growth Mindset Memes


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